I want to see:

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Weekend Goals: Antsy for the Holidays

It's almost the weekend and I don't want it to fly by last last weekend did. Yesterday, I bought my first Christmas scented candles of the year. Thanksgiving is a week away and I cannot wait to whip up my annual dessert: black and tan trifle!

This is the time of year where my schedule usually gets lost in the hustle and bustle of life, leaving me frantic the week before Christmas. Granted, the past 15 years of my life have involved super exciting school days up until December 23-ish.

My mission for holiday season 2013? Pace myself! There's nothing fun about stressing out the entire week before Christmas, contemplating whether or not people will truly enjoy the presents you give them. So I'm going to relax, make some homemade peppermint mochas and soak up this holiday season.

Anyways, here are my three goals for this upcoming weekend! Very reasonable and helping me feel like something was accomplished:

  1. Write a Christmas Shopping List: There are so many ideas floating around in my head, some of which can be purchased now and crossed off the list. Plus, I reallllly like lists :) I'm also thinking this is going to be a fun DIY Christmas. Last year I made rosemary infused olive oil, shown in the image above.
  2. Update My LinkedIn: I've been planning to do this for so long. November is about being thankful, and I cannot express how grateful I am for my amazing job. Over the past 3 months full-time, there has been so much training and significant learning. I want to retrace these skills and remind myself that this career is meant for me.
  3. Make a DIY Foam Roller: Since I've been working out more, my body has been pretty tense. Foam rolling has been suggested to me by multiple people, and I'd like to try making my own version before purchasing one full price. If successful, I'll share instructions on the blog.
That's it! Simple and easy. There are some other plans during the weekend to reunite with my fraternity (I'm obviously now an alumni). But as always, I plan to relax and enjoy myself.

What are you up to this weekend? Make it a good one and enjoy yourself before winter starts to settle in. Stay tuned for the recipe for one of my favorite 3-ingredient appetizers!


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